Wild Cherry

Other names: Wild Black Cherry, black choke, cabana cherry, virgina prune, rum cherry

Scientific name: Prunus serotina

Common names:

Ayurvedic names: Ajamoda, Padmaka

Chinese names:

Bangladesh names:

Arabic names:    الكرز البري (al karaz a barri)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Rosaceae

Approximate number of species known:

Common parts used: inner Bark


Annual/Perennial: Perennial

Height: 40 to 90 feet

Actions: Anti-tussive, astrigent, expectorant, astrigent, bitter, pectoral, tonic

Known Constituents: Cyanogenic glycosides, prunasin, coumarins, gallitannins, resin

Constituents Explained:


A deciduous tree that grows 40-90 feet tall. The bark is rough, dark gray fissured to expose inner reddish bark beneath. The leaves are oval to lance-shaped, blunt-toothed margins; smooth above, pale beneath, with whitish brown hairs on the prominent midrib. The flowers are in dense drooping slender racemes or spikes, blooms April to June. Fruits are strings of small, juicy cherries, dark red turning black, at times nearly black cherries

Traditional Use:

A strong respiratory herb used especially to ease cough and loosen phlegm.1  The bark shouldn’t be boiled.1

Clinical Studies: