Turkey Corn

Other names: Choice dielytra, dielytra, squirrell corn, turkeyt pea, wild turkeyt pea

Scientific name: Dicentra canadensis

Common names: Squirrel corn, wild turkey pea, stagger- weed

Ayurvedic names:

Chinese names: Yu-shu-shu

Bangladesh names: Bhuá¹­á¹­a

Arabic names:    ذرة السنجاب (dhuratu’s-sinjaab)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Fabaceae

Approximate number of species known:

Common parts used: Whole herb, sprouts


Annual/Perennial: Perennial

Height: 8-12 inches

Actions:  alterative, anti-syphilitc, diuretic, tonic

Known Constituents: The amount of alkaloids in the dried tubers is about 5 per cent; they have been found to contain corydalin, fumaric acid, yellow bitter extractive, an acrid resin and starch, cava and bulbosa have been found to yield the following alkaloids: Corycavine, Bulbocapnine and Corydine; Corydaline is a tertiary base, Corycavine is a difficult soluble base; Bulbocapnine is present in largest amount and was originally called Corydaline. Corydine is a strong base found in the mother liquor of Bulbocapnine and several amorphous unnamed bases have been found in it. All these alkaloids have narcotic action. Protopine, first isolated from opium, has been found in several species of Dicentra and in C. vernyim, ambigua and tuberosa

Constituents Explained:

Description: The root or tuber of the Dicentra Canadensis (C. formosa, Pursh. when fresh is of a darkish-yellow color throughout, while the Dicentra Cucullaria (C. Cucullaria), or White ear-drop has a black cortex or rind, and is white internally. When dried, the external covering of the tuber is of a light grayish-yellow color, about 1/4 of a line thick, inclosing an internal light-yellow substance; frequently it is of a dark color externally, and internally yellow or brownish -yellow, It has a faint peculiar odor, and a taste at first slightly bitter, succeeded by a somewhat, penetrating, peculiar, and persistent sensation, which gently influences the fauces, and increases the flow of saliva. Water or alcohol extracts its virtues.

Traditional Use:

Was once used for sylphilus, and internally for skin conditions.  People would bathe in it for boils.1

Clinical Studies: