Other Names:
Scientific Names: Datura stramonium
Common names:
Ayurvedic names:
Chinese names: Man tuo luo
Bangladesh names: Shet Dhatura, Dhutura
Arabic names: داتورا صفراوية (daaturia safra’e)
Rain Forest names:
Family: Solanaceae
Approximate Number of Species Known:
Common Parts Used: leaves, seeds, flower
Annual/Perennial: Annual
Height: 1 to 6 feet
Actions: Anodyne, antispasmodic, hypnotic, narcotic
Known Constituents:
Constituents Explained:
Description: (please note: this is the general characteristics – colour, flavor etc)
Traditional Use:
Clinical Studies:
Scientfic name: Datura stramonium
Family: N.O. Solanaceae
Other names:
Jimson weed, angel’s trumpet, devil’s weed, thorn apple, tolguacha, Jamestown weed.
Thornapple could be said a poison. The Thornapple is a large and coarse herb, though an annual, branching somewhat freely, giving a bushy look to the plant. It attains a height of about 3 feet, its spreading branches covering an area almost as broad. On rich soil it may attain a height of even 6 feet.
The root is very long – thick and whitish, giving off many fibers. The stem is stout, erect and leafy, smooth, a pale yellowish green in colour, branching repeatedly in a forked manner, and producing in the forks of the branches a leaf and a single, erect flower. The leaves are large and angular, 4 to 6 inches long, uneven at the base, with a wavy and coarsely-toothed margin, and have the strong, branching veins very plainly developed. The upper surface is dark and grayish-green, generally smooth, the under surface paler, and when dry, minutely wrinkled.
All parts of the Thornapple have medicinal value, but only the leaves and seeds are official. The United States Pharmacopeia formerly recognized leaves, root and seeds, but since 1900 the leaves alone are recognized as official.
All parts of Datura plants contain dangerous levels of poison and may be fatal if ingested by humans or animals, including livestock and pets. Some municipalities prohibit the purchase, sale, or cultivation of Datura plants.
Dryness of the throat and mouth are to be regarded as indications that too large a quantity is being taken.
Herb Name: Thornapple
Other Names: jimson weed
Latin Name: Datura stramonium
Family: Solanaceae
Common parts Used: leaves, seeds, flower
Thornapple is also known as jimson weed. It is a weed which mostly grows in south Africa and south Britain. The plant should be used with extreme caution. It belongs to the family Solanaceae.
Thornapple is used for different medicinal purpose. It is highly suggested to consult expert before using Thornapple. The plant is considered to protect other plant near it from harming insects. The juice of the flower is used as anti dandruff.
The Thornapple is bitter in taste. It is a narcotic plant. It is used to relief pain in different cases. It is also considered good for healing purpose. The plant should be used with caution. The leaves are considered good for patients of asthma. It is considered as hypnotic, hallucinogenic and narcotic. The Thornapple is used internally by the patients of Asthma. The seeds are considered as analgesic and anti-inflammatory. They are used in digestive disorders like stomach pain and intestinal pain. The juice of flower is used for scalps and dandruff. It is also used in toothache and fever.