
Other Names: Garden onion

Scientific Names: Allium cepa

Common names: Onion

Ayurvedic names: Palandu

Chinese names: Cong tou, Yang cong

Bangladesh names: Pianj , Penyaj

Arabic names:    بصل (bassal)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Alliaceae 

Approximate Number of Species Known:

Common Parts Used: Bulb

Collection: Late summer

Annual/Perennial: Perennial or biennial

Height: 4 to 24 inches

Actions:  Onion facilitates bowel movements and erections, and also  relieve headaches, coughs, snakebites and hair loss. Also effective for common cold to heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and other diseases

Known Constituents: Traces (0.01%) of essential oil, sulfur and quercetin

Constituents Explained:

Description:   (please note: this is the general characteristics –  colour, flavor etc)

Traditional Use:

Clinical Studies:

Superior wound healing with excellent cosmesis is critical in superficial dermal wounds created when cosmetically unacceptable lesions are removed from the body. Dermatologists frequently remove seborrheic keratoses, nevi, and angiomas from the body with a superficial shave excision. 

The excision is designed to minimize dermal scarring while removing the unsightly skin growth. A study was undertaken to evaluate the ability of an onion extract gel to improve the appearance of scars following excision. 

Sixty subjects with symmetrical seborrheic keratoses at least 8 mm in diameter on the right and left upper chest were enrolled. The lesions were removed with a scalpel shave, following local anesthesia with 2% lidocaine plus epinephrine. 

The surgical sites were allowed to heal for 2 to 3 weeks, at which time the subjects returned to the research center for randomization to either the onion gel treatment group or the no-treatment group. 

Forty-seven subjects in the active treatment group were further randomized as to the site of study product application. Thirteen control subjects applied nothing to either side. Subjects returned to the study center at weeks 2, 4, 6, and 10 for photography, subject evaluations, and investigator assessments.

The study showed that the onion extract gel significantly improved scar softness, redness, texture, and global appearance at the excision site at study weeks 4, 6, and 10 as assessed by the blinded investigator.

Mediterranean diet has got a favourable effect on life expectancy. One of the crucial components of the diet are onions.

In an open and a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over phase-I study a spontaneous pharmacological effect 5 h after administration of an onion-olive-oil maceration capsule formulation on arterial blood pressure could be demonstrated in apparently healthy subjects.

In addition to a decrease in arterial blood pressure, a significant reduction in plasma viscosity and haematocrit were observed. These results are indicating a vasodilative effect of the onion-olive-oil-maceration product. 

The stickiness of the platelets was reduced. The effects were stronger in subjects with reduced blood fluidity compared to those subjects with normal rheological parameters.


Draelos ZD. “The Ability Of Onion Extract Gel To Improve The Cosmetic Appearance Of Postsurgical Scars.” 2008 June http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18482012

Kalus U, Pindur G, Jung F, Mayer B, Radtke H, Bachmann K, Mrowietz C, Koscielny J, Kiesewetter H. “Influence Of The Onion As An Essential Ingridient Of the Mediterranean Diet On Arterial Blood Pressure And Blood Fluidity.” 2000 September http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11050695


Herb Name:  Onion

Other Names:  garden onion

Latin Name: Allium cepa

Family:  Alliaceae 

Common parts Used: Flowers, leaves, root, seed

Onion is considered to be widely cultivated vegetable. It belongs to the family Alliaceae. It requires moist soil and lights to grow. It is grown underground as vertical shoot. Top producers of onion in the world are India, China, Australia and Pakistan.

Onion is used raw as well as cooked. In many countries it is a part of daily food. Onions are pickled, dried, chopped and canned. Leaves of onion are used as salad and also chopped and eaten as salad itself. The seeds are also eaten they have onion flavor and are in good taste. 

Onion is used for medicinal purposes. It is externally used as an antiseptic. Onion is also used for insect bites like bees; it is considered that onion sucks the poison. Internally Onions are considered good for gas problem. Onions are good for hypertension and reducing cholesterol.  Onions are good for oral infections and tooth decay. The juice of onion is applied on wounds to heal quickly. Warm juice of onion can be used in earache by dropping a drop in ear. In different mythologies it is used as a charm against evil and bad. Cut piece of onion is considered to absorb negativity in a house. 


Herb Name: Onion

Others names: 

Garden onion

Latin name: Allium Cepa

Family:  Alliaceae

Common part used:  

The parts used are the bulb. 

Fresh onions are pungent and have a sharp bite. Cooked onions lose this heat and develop a rich sweetness. This sweet taste is mostly appreciated by barbecuing onions on charcoal. They generally have a papery outer skin over a fleshy, layered core.

There are different types of onion. Bulb onions Multiplier onions Shallot (most of the types in the markets are Allium cepa) Potato onion Tree onions or Egyptian onions.

The constituents of onion contain only traces (0.01%) of essential oil, which mostly consists of sulfur compounds. Onions contain two substances that give them most of it beneficial properties: sulfur and quercetin – both being strong antioxidants. They each have been shown to help neutralize the free radicals in the body, and protect the membranes of the body’s cells from damage. One small onion cooked without salt contains .8 grams protein and 1.3 grams of fiber. It also contains the minerals Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Selenium. Also contains small amounts of iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Onions have a very peculiar phenomenon; it makes you cry while cutting it. This is caused by breaking the onion cells while slicing. Onion cells have two sections, one with enzymes called aliases, the other with sulfides.

Medicinal uses:

Onion is used as a diuretic, expectorant and antiseptic. Onions are highly recommended for people trying to prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, and infections. They appear to be at least somewhat effective against colds, heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases and contain antiinflammatory, anticholesterol, and anticancer components.

Onions contain many active compounds that appear to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, help combat heart disease, inhibit strokes, lower blood pressure & cholesterol, and stimulate the immune system. Alliums are also antibacterial and anti-fungal, so they can relieve stomach upset & other gastrointestinal disorders. As with Garlic, Onions help prevent thrombosis and reduce hypertension, according to the American Heart Association. The natural constituents of yellow or white Onions can raise HDL cholesterol over time.