Lime (Linden)

Scientific name: Tilia x vulgaris?  Tilia americana

Common names: Basswood, American Linden, Lime Tree, Spoonwood

Ayurvedic names:

Chinese names: Qing ning, Lai meng, Lai mu

Bangladesh names: Kaji lebu, Lebu

Arabic names:

Rain Forest names:

Family: Tiliaceae

Approximate number of species known: 30

Common parts used: Flower, fruit, inner bark

Collection: Collect the flowers while flowering in summer


Height: 20 to 40 m

Actions: anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, emollient, nervine, stomachic, tonic

Known Constituents: Oil including farnesol; mucilage, flavanoids, hesperidin, coumarin fraxoside, vanillin

Constituents Explained:


The flowers of the lime tree are known to put a beautiful scent in the air.

Traditional Use:

The flowers are used in cases of colds, flus and fevers.  It has also been used as a steam inhalation to relieve nasal congestion.  The flowers are used to have a tranquilising effect similar to benzodiazepine check  Used as a prophylactic?

Sometimes used when high blood pressure is associated with tension.  As a gentle circulatory enhancer and relaxer it is sometimes used in cases of migraine.

A tea of the flowers has been known at night to help induce relaxation and sleep.

Sometimes the flowers can induce sweating by driving cirulation to the surface of the body and cooling down the body when fever sets in.

It has been used for the kidneys, swelling and female complaints.1

The lime fruit…

Clinical Studies:

One hundred and twenty children with acute uncomplicated malaria who were managed at the children’s outpatient department of the Wesley Guild Hospital, Ilesa were recruited into the study to determine the effects of lime juice on malaria parasite clearance.

These children were randomized into treatment with World Health Organization recommended antimalarials (artemisinin combination therapy, ACT) either alone or with lime juice. Nine of them were lost to follow-up, four were in the group that were managed with ACT and lime, and five in the group that were managed on ACT alone.

The average (SD) time to achieve >75% reduction in parasite load was significantly lower in patients on ACT and lime. Also, while a significantly higher proportion of children on antimalarial drugs and lime juice achieved complete parasite clearance by 72 h of therapy, ten (18.2%) patients without lime had early treatment failure.

There were no side effects with the use of lime juice. It may therefore be inferred, from this preliminary work, that lime juice when used with the appropriate antimalarial may enhance malaria parasite clearance especially in those with uncomplicated malaria. 


Adegoke SA, Oyelami OA, Olatunya OS, Adeyemi LA. “Effects Of Lime Juice On Malaria Parasite Clearance.” 2011 October


Herb Name: Lime

Others names: Mexican Lime, West Indian Lime, and Sour Lime

Latin name: Citrus aurantifolia

Family: Rutaceae

Common part used: Fruit, Peel, Leaves, Oil

Description: Lime is a miniature tree with white flowers, light green leaves, and oval green fruit with acidic and sour pulp.

Properties: Lime is an herb that is used in herbal medicine to treat bilious headaches, to brighten dull hair, and to detoxify the body. It has astringent and cooling properties.

Contents: Limes are rich in citric acid and Vitamin C.

Internal use: Internally, Lime helps with migraines, when it’s used as an herbal infusion using the leaves. The fresh Lime juice is also commonly used to treat diarrhea.

External use: Externally, Lime is a folk remedy for lightening the skin (it can irritate the skin and should generally be avoided). Lime is also used for brightening dull hair (add a few drops to your final rinse water).

Essential oil and aromatherapy use: The essential oil of Lime helps to energize the mind, and banish anxiety and apathy. It detoxifies the body, stimulates digestion, cools fevers, and helps with rheumatic pain. Topically, it helps to clear clogged and congested skin pores, and its astringent properties are helpful for stemming the bleeding from a minor cut. Lime oil is antiseptic, astringent, antiviral, bactericidal, tonic, aperitif, febrifuge, disinfectant, restorative, and hemostatic.

Safety precautions: Lime oil may cause photo-toxicity when exposing the skin to the sun right after application.

Herb Name: Lime

Other Names:  Limonia trifolia, Lime berry

Latin Name:  Triphasia trifolia

Family:  Rutaceae

Common parts Used: Fruit, leaves

Lime has different kinds. It is found in Asia. Its origin is considered from India. Limes are associated with lemon.  It is considered to be ever green. The flowers are hermaphrodite. Pollination occurs through insects. It needs light, moist or dry soil to grow. It belongs to the family Rutaceae.

Lime is used raw as weel as cooked. The ripped fruit has sweet taste. The fruit is also pickled. It is used in pickles and jams. It is also used to flavor beverages and foods. The leaves are also used for aromatic bath.  The leaves of lime are used in cosmetics.

The leaves of Lime are used for treatment of diarrhea. It is also considered good for colic. Lime is also used for different skin diseases. It is also considered good for eyesight.  The dried leaves are also used in different recipes, which are considered good for digestion. Lime is also considered good for circulatory system.