
Scientific name: Allium Sativum

Common names: Clove Garlic

Ayurvedic names: Rashona

Chinese names: Da Suan

Bangladesh names: Rosun

Arabic names:    ثوم (thawm)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Liliaceae

Approximate number of species known:

Common parts used: Clove.  Many cloves make a bulb.

Collection: The clove is normally unearthed in early Autumn as the leaves are falling

Annual/Perennial: Perennial


Actions: Anthelmintic, Antiseptic, antimicrobial, alterative, anthelmintic, anti-catarrhal, antispasmodic, carmative, expectorant, febrifuge pectoral, hypotensive, cholagogue, diaphoretic, rubefacient, tonic, vulnerary

Known Constituents: Glucokinins, germanium, iron

Constituents Explained:


It tens to have a single stem which is smooth and round.  The leaves are tubular (picture) and the leaves are long and flat.  At the top of the stem is a round umbel (picture) of small white flowers.

Traditional Use:

One of the world’s most researched and famous herbs.  Used primarily in the role as an anti fungal and natural antibiotic.  It has been used in cooking throughout the world. In World War I it was used to treat battle wounds.  

Known as an anti bacterial and antiviral.  A remedy that has been used for respiratory problems including colds, flus and bronchitis.  Combines well with lemon or ginger.

The smell can be strong and overpowering. An old remedy is to mash the cloves with onion and wrap it in glad wrap.  This is then used as necklace worn round the chest which someone can sleep or walk around with to help remedy a cold or fever.

It may have a positive effect on circulation, narrowed blood vessels (artherosclerosis).

Sometimes called the ‘king of herbs.’  It is a herb that has been applied in many cancer studies to test if it may make some impact on the condition.

An oil from Garlic is made by crushing or finely chopping several cloves.  Olive oil is added in a pan and the heat is gently turned up as it is allowed to simmer for several minutes.

Also used with the purpose of reducing blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

It has been used for poor digestion, acne and respiratory complaints.  Sometimes used in enemas for intestinal worms.

Clinical Studies:

Vaginitis is the most prevalent gynecological problem for which women look for treatment and is responsible for 10 million physician visits annually. Use of herbal treatments has been recorded in many of patient groups as well as in general populations to increase health level. 

The present study was conducted with the purpose of determination and comparison of the effect of vaginal cream containing garlic and thyme compared to clotrimazole cream for the treatment of mycotic vaginitis.

This clinical trial is a prospective, multivariate, single-blind, two-stage, two-group study with randomized assignment of samples into the two groups. From the clinics in Isfahan in 2010, 64 cases (32 individuals in each group) entered the study. 

Data collection was accomplished by demographic information questionnaire and clinical performance checklist, and data analysis was performed by SPSS 16.0 software.

Abundance distributions of clinical symptoms (vaginal discharge; vulval erythema and edema), patients’ complaints (secretions, itching, dyspareunia, painful urination, and vaginal irritation) and clinical symptoms were different in each group prior to and after the intervention. These factors however were not different between the two groups before and after the intervention.

The vaginal cream containing garlic and thyme is effective as much as clotrimazole vaginal cream for the treatment of candida vaginitis and there is no difference between responses to treatment by these two drugs.

Garlic has been used safely since ancient times as both food and medicine in human populations, but studies of its efficacy in the management of diabetes have yielded conflicting results.

A study evaluated the potential hypoglycemic effects of garlic in type 2 diabetic patients. The study was conducted in diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients with fasting blood sugar level above 126 mg/dl to evaluate the effects of adding garlic tablets with standard antidiabetic therapy on blood sugar. 

Patients were divided randomly into 2 groups. Group 1 was given tablet Garlic (KWAI) 300 mg thrice daily + Metformin 500 mg twice daily and Group 2 was given Placebo+Metformin 500 mg twice daily respectively for 24 weeks. 

Serum lipids and fasting blood glucose were measured at week 0, 12 and week 24. Group1 showed significant reduction in fasting blood sugar at week 24 as compared to group 2. 

At the end of week 24, GR1 group also showed considerable decrease in mean total cholesterol, LDL-C, triglycerides, while HDL cholesterol was significantly increased as compared to GR2 group. 

Combination of garlic with typical antidiabetic remedy has shown to improve glycemic control in addition to antihyperlipidemic activity. Garlic may be a good addition in the management of patients with diabetes and hyperlipidemia.


Bahadoran P, Rokni FK, Fahami F. “Investigating The Therapeutic Effect Of Vaginal Cream Containing Garlic And Thyme Compared To Cotrimazole Cream For The Treatment Of Mycotic Vaginitis.” 2010 December

Ashraf R, Khan RA, Ashraf I. “Garlic (Allium Sativum) Supplementation With Standard Antidiabetic Agent Provides Better Diabetic Control In Type 2 Diabetes Patients.” 2011 October


Herb Name:  Garlic

Other Names:  

Latin Name: Allium sativum

Family:  Alliaceae

Common parts Used: Leaves, roots, flower, seed, bulb

Garlic is considered generally from the family of onion. But it belongs to the family Alliaceae according to the classification. Garlic grows in good sunlight and sandy soil. It grows about 24 inches.  It is widely cultivated in china, India and Korea. 

Garlic bulb is the most used part of the plant. The bulb can be use directly or cooked. In many country it is used commonly to daily dishes. It is considered to be very nutritious and good for digestion. The young leaves are chopped and used as salad. The stem of the flower are used to flavor different items. The seed of Garlic is also used in salads for flavor.

Garlic is considered as a natural antibiotic. It is good for hypertension and high blood pressure. Garlic is also good for growth of the body. Garlic is also considered as an antiseptic. Garlic use in food also gives remedy against dysentery.  Garlic is also good for diabetic patients and it reduces the sugar and glucose level. The juice of Garlic is used to keep the insects away. Garlic are hung in homes to keep the evil and negativity away.

Herb Name: Garlic

Others names: Heal-all, Poor man’s treacle, Stinking rose

Latin name: Allium controversum, Allium sativum

Family: Alliaceae

Common part used: Bulbs, Essential oil 

Description: Garlic is an herb with globular bulbs that contain 5 – 15 cloves, and are covered by whitish or dirty-pink skin. The plants have flat leaves and umbels of pale green to pinkish flowers in summer.

Properties: Garlic is an herb that is used in herbal medicine to boost immunity, to reduce glucose metabolism, and to treat arteriosclerosis. Garlic is an aromatic herb that helps to prevent or to clear bacterial infections; it increases perspiration, lowers fever, reduces blood pressure, and reduces the levels of cholesterol and sugar in blood. It also helps to rejuvenate and to detoxify the body tissues. In some cultures, Garlic is also believed to be an aphrodisiac. The properties of Garlic include: antibacterial, antiviral, and lipid-lowering.

Contents: Garlic contains alliin, which later turns into allicin. It is rich in Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C, and other beneficial vitamins, minerals and biological useful chemicals. 

Internal use: Internally, Garlic can be used to support the treatment of high cholesterol levels. It also helps to prevent age-related changes in the blood vessels, due to its cholesterol lowering action. In folk medicine, Garlic is used for colds, flu and bronchitis, as well as for preventing infections. Garlic may also be used in HIV patients, due to its capacity to stimulate the immune system. Garlic reduces the glucose metabolism in diabetic patients, retards the arteriosclerosis development, and helps to reduce the risk of a heart attack. Garlic can be taken raw (crushed, as a juice, or even swallowed whole), in capsules, in a tincture or syrup. 

External use: Externally, it may be used for fungal infections and skin problems.

Essential oil and aromatherapy use: Garlic essential oil has a very strong smell of garlic. It might not smell too pleasant, but it helps to relieve tiredness, to detoxify the body, and it is a general tonic. It stimulates the production of cells and circulation of the lymph and blood. Garlic oil helps to regulate diabetes and to ease gastric distress. Topically, it fights spots, acne, abscesses, and ringworm.

Safety precautions: Garlic oil is contraindicated for the people suffering from digestive problems and acute lung problems, the patients with severe skin ailments (eczema etc.), or people with any kind of a metabolic illness. Oral intake of garlic may strengthen the effects of blood thinning medications and anticoagulants.