Wood Sage

Other names: Garlic sage

Scientific name: Teucrium scorodonia

Common names:Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera) may also be called Bodare Us, Bodark, Bodeck, Bodock, Bois d’arc, Bowwood, Geelhout, Hedge, Hedge Apple, Hedge-plant, Horse Apple, Maclura, Mock Orange, Naranjo Chino, Osage, Osage Apple-tree, Rootwood, Wild Orange or Yellow-wood.

Ayurvedic names: Snake wood

Chinese names:    亳州市 (bó zhōu shì)

Bangladesh names: Oryza coarctata has been changed to Porteresia coarctata. .

Arabic names:    خشب الساج (khashabu ssaaj)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Labiatae

Approximate number of species known:

Common parts used: Aerial parts, whole herb

Collection:  Usually collected when flowering through the summer

Annual/Perennial: Perennial

Height: 10 feet in height

Actions: Alterative, Anti-microbial, anti-rheumatic, astrigent, carminative, diaphoertic, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary

Known Constituents:  Bitter, flavanoids, polyphenols saponins, tannins

Constituents Explained:could be explained as the result of excessive degradation and removal of hemicelluloses during …

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Traditional Use:

Used for the respiratory tract, especially for colds, flus and fevers.  Also used for rheumatism. Used as a bitter to stimulate gastric juices.

Externally it is used on wounds.  It has been used to stimulate the appetitie, and has been used externally on sores.1  It has been used for fevers and to increase the urine and menstrual flow.1

Clinical Studies:

Clinical trials are a set of procedures in medical research and drug development that are conducted to allow safety (or more specifically, information about adverse drug reactions and adverse effects of other treatments) and efficacy data to be collected for health interventions (e.g., drugs, diagnostics, devices, therapy protocols). These trials can take place only after satisfactory information has been gathered on the quality of the nonclinical safety, and health authority/ethics committee approval is granted in the country where the trial is taking place.