Scientific name: Pimpinella saxifraga

Common names: Saxifrage, Pimpernel

Ayurvedic names:

Chinese names: Diyu

Bangladesh names: 

Arabic names:   بلان (blan)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Fabaceae

Approximate number of species known:

Common parts used: Root


Annual/Perennial: Perennial

Height: 2 to 3 feet

Actions: healer of wounds, protection against infection, infused in wine or beer, for the cure of gout and rheumatism

Known Constituents: volatile oil and an acrid resin

Constituents Explained:

Description: Its leaflets are more numerous, five to ten pairs, and shorter than thoseof the Great Burnet. The flowers in each head bear crimson tufted stigmas, the lower ones thirty to forty stamens, with very long, drooping filaments. Both the flower and leafstalks are a deep-crimson colour. 

The great Burnet and the Salad Burnet both flower in June and July.

The Salad Burnet forms much of the turf on some of the chalk downs in the southern counties. It is extremely nutritious to sheep and cattle, and was formerly extensively cultivated as a fodder plant on calcareous soils but is now little grown in that way. Cattle do not seem to like it as well as clover when full grown, but when kept closely cropped sheep are fond of it. It has the advantage of keeping green all the winter in dry barren pastures, affording food for sheep when other green crops are scarce. The results of cultivation have, however, not been very satisfactory, except on poor soil, although it contains a larger amount of nutritive matter than many grasses.

In the herb gardens of older days, Salad Burnet always had its place. Bacon recommends it to be set in alleys together with wild thyme and water mint, ‘to perfume the air most delightfully, being trodden on and crushed

Traditional Use:

A very strong remedy for the stomach, also Used for the lungs, and for stones in the kidneys

Clinical Studies:
