A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. It is used to save you saying a noun repeatedly. Once you use a noun, like the man called Frank. You could subsequently use pronouns such as he, or his etc.
Example: He, She, Her, His, Yours, It, These, Those, This, Who, What
> Personal pronouns
Personal pronouns are to do with people. Personal pronouns can refer to the first, second or third person.
When you are talking about yourself this is called the first person. When you are talking about someone else this is called the second person. The third person refers to anyone other thasn the speaker, and the one being addressed.
> Singular
In English, singular is referring to one.
In English, plural is referring to more than one. That is two or more.
> First person
>> First person singular
The first person singular means the person is speaking about themself.
>> First person plural
The first person plural means the person is referring to themself, and one or more others.
Examples: I, me, myself
> Second person
>> Second person singular
This means the speaker is addressing one person.
Examples: you, your, you’re (you are)
>> Second person plural
This means the person is addressing two or more people.
you yours
> Third person
>> Third person singular
Third person is adressing someone other than the speaker, the one being adressed, but another party.
I, mine, me
>> Third person plural
We ours us
> Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are when the subject and the object of the sentence are both the same. Reflexvie bending back. This is when the person performing the action, also receives the action.
> Demonstrative pronouns Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that refer to specific things. Deomstartive means showing. This helps to show the noun that is being talked about.
Examples: This, that, those
> Interrogative pronouns
Interrogative pronouns are the words in the sentence that form the basis for asking, or introduce a question. They usually start with “wh”. Interrogative means asking a question.
Examples: what, which, who, whom, whose
> indefinite pronouns
An Indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that does not quantify a specific person, place or thing. It can be a vague way of communicating. Indefinite means not statting exactly.
Examples: all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, each, everybody, everyone, everything, few, many, nobody, noone, several, some, somebody, someone
> Relative pronouns
Example: who, whom, whose, that, which