
Other names: boxberry, chink, partirdge berry, spice berry, grouse berry, red pollom, ivory plum, redberry tea, hillberry

Scientific name: Gaultheria procumbens

Common names:

Ayurvedic names:

Chinese names:  Fu wo bai zhu shu, Ping pu bai zhu shu, ye cha bai zhu shu

Bangladesh names: Gandhpura, Gandapuro

Arabic names:    الوينترغرين (Wintergreen)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Ericaceae

Approximate number of species known:

Common parts used: Leaf, Berry

Collection: leaves are collected during spring

Annual/Perennial: Perennial

Height: upto 1.3 m

Actions: Anodyne, antiseptic, aromatic, astrigent, stimulant, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactogogue, stimulant

Known Constituents:  Volatile oil, which is largely salicylate

Constituents Explained:


Wintergreen is a native North American evergreen shrub; the creeping stems send up erect branches, 2-6 inches high, which bear alternate, oval, leathery leaves with serrate (and sometimes bristly) margins. Both the leaves and the solitary, nodding, white, bell-shaped, flowers grow in the axils of the leaves near the tops of the branches. Flowering time is from May to September. The edible fruit following the flowers is a dry, scarlet, berrylike capsule about 1/3 inch across. The whole plant is pungent in taste the spiciness being due to the volatile oil

Traditional Use:

Traditionally used externally as a valuable skin remedy.  Commonly used in essential oils. One its components meythl salicylate is related to aspirin, which makes it a common remedy used externally for rheumatism.

In small doses it is used to stimulate stomach juices.1  Also used as a emmenagogic and galactogogue.

Clinical Studies: