Life Root
Scientific name: Packera aurea
Common names:
Ayurvedic names:
Chinese names:
Bangladesh names:
Arabic names:
Rain Forest names:
Family: Compositae
Approximate number of species known:
Common parts used: Leaf, flower
Collection: April
Annual/Perennial: Perennial
Height: Upto 3 feet
Actions: Uterine tonic, diuretic, expectorant, emmenagogue
Known constituents: Alkaloids including senecifoline, senecine, resin
Constituents Explained:
Traditional Use:
A Native Merican herb that was used as a uterine tonic, and sometimes to gently bring on labour. Its balancing effects on menstruation and its use in menopausal symptoms. Due to its uterine relaxant properties it is considered a potential abortive and is not cinsidered safe by some people for internal use.
Clinical Studies: