The skin, hair, nails, sudoriferous (sweat) and sebaceous (oil) glands from your integumentary system. You’ve got three million sweat glands. The skin has three layers. The epidermis is the layer you can see.
The skin is a protectant to the outside world, it transmits sensatio to the nrevous sytem, regulates temperatures, is responsible for vitamin d absorption / synthesis ?, it’s functio nis exretory. Small amounts of contents of the urine such as urea may be disposed of in sweat.urea. We sweat to regulaet body temperature. This is called insensible perspiration ? we usually don’t nitce it.
On a hot day we notice it more, is called sensible perspiration. When the need blood in the core organs the blood vessels in the skin tend ot restrict sending blood back into the core.
Skin may change colour indiactive of different underlying issues. When we have cardiovasulcar challenges that are preventing the skin from getting the circulation it needs we see the skin turn a shade of blue. This is called cyanosis. Blood that is low in oxygen can look blue.
When the skin is a yellow colour we call this jaundice. This may be indiciative of something liver related.
It provides a protection to the body, a barrier to pathogens, and regulates the amount of water released from the body into the atmosphere. It is made of stratified squamous tissues, that is flat cells, with a flattened looking nucleus that is stacked one on top of each other like bricks ?.
The skin is loaded with cutaneous sensory receptors. They’re somtimes called corpuscles. The skin can register touch, pressure, temperature, pai and other sensation. When the skin is red it’s called erythema it can be indiactive of fever, inflammatio nor allergy. Discolouration may be easier to see around the bed (synonyms) of fingers and toses, or blood vessels under the skin.
There is tactile corpuslces that sense touc h?, lamellar corpuscles register touch.
Epidermis comes from the Greek word “epi” meaning ” over” or ” upon” and ” derma” meaning skin. Your epidermis is goes through a complete cell cycle every 4 – 6 weeks. THe epidermis has 4-5 layers and is avascular, so it’s reliant on oxygen and nutrients from the layer below.
The keratinocytes are the building blocks of keratin, which is a tough protein.
The dermis which is below the epidermis, and they hypodermis is below that. The dermis is where most of the activity is done in the skin ?, the blood is cirulcated, where we feel. In between the epidermis and dermis is the merkel cells which is the snesory recption for touch.
The dermis is where tattoo ink is inserted when tattooing below the epidermis.
The hpodermis at the bottom is composed mostly of adipose, which is fatty tissue. ?
The building blocks of keratin, which is a tough fibre is keratinocytes.
The skin protects youur body against pathogens as best it can, helps you to withstand tempature, and systheises the hormone
The melanocyte is the cell that synthesises melanin. ? vitamin d also called calcitriol is made in the kidney ? Melanian is responsible for giving the skin it’s colour. It’s called a pigment. The colour of the skin is not dictated by the number of melanocytes. The breadth of the cellular extension affects the amount of melanin that they contain. ?
Langerhan cells
THe skin is our proectant from the outside world so we have a lot of immune cells in them. Langerhan cells, look star shaped, a
The stronger skin such as that on the palms of your hands, and soles of your feet is called ‘thick skin’, which has five layers, where as the thin skin has four layers.
The layers of the skin include:
stratum corneum – This is the most outermost layer, and the roughest with 20-30 layers of dead cells.
stratum lucidem
stratum granulosum
The layers of the epidemris include:
stratum spinosum
stratum basale
The papillary layer is areolar connective tissue, dermal papillae, sometimes called “dermal ridges” or “friction ridges”. Friction ridges are commonly associated with finger prints.
The sweat glands have two types eccrine glands which there are more of. They’re in the palms, fet, and forehead. The second type is called apocrine glands that empty into the hair follicles near where the linbs meet the trunk, the under arms and groin.
It’s the bacteria that tend to create the smell when we sweat which is why some deoderant is designed to protect from us
The ceruminous glands make the ear wax, cerumen. The mammary glands secrete milk.
A tendon is an example of “dense connective tissue” with a lot mor c ollagen
There is loose connective tissue: areolar, adipose, recticular
Adipose tissue is the fat tissue. It is mainly adipocytes, nucleus and lipid vacuole. Adipose is on average 18% of our body weight.
The recticular tissue holds the blood in place in many of the organs ?
Fibroblast cells, elastic fibers, collagen fibers.
Recticular layer, dense irregular connective tissue
The nail has the body, root, and bed. nail