
Other names: Lucerne?

Scientific name: Rosa spp, Rosa canina (dog rose) 

Common names:

Ayurvedic names:

Chinese names: Damashi ge mei gui; Yue ji hua (Rosa chinensis)

Bangladesh names: golap

Arabic names:    ورد (ward)

RainForest names:

Family: Rosaceae

Approximate number of species known: 100

Common parts used: Hips (fruit), Petals

Collection:  The hips are normally collected in Autumn

Annual/Perennial: Perennial

Height: 2-3 feet

Actions: aperient, astrigent, Nutrient, stomachic

Known Constituents: Usually >.3% ascorbic acid (C6,H8,)6), tannin, pectin, carotene

Constituents Explained:


A large bush.  Grows in thickets   On wild species there is a single row of petals, of which there are usually 5, and have yellow stamens (picture) which are normally smaller than cultivated bushes.  The leaves are pinnate (picture) and contain 5-9 leaflets. The stems have thorns, and can feel waxy or sticky. The flowers turn into the fruit which are called hips and progessively change colour from green, yellow, orange to dark red.  In the wild tends to grow mostly above 10,000 feet.

When reduced to a powder it is usually orange-yellow.

Traditional Use:

The hips (fruit) of the rose has one of the highest known Vitamin C levels on earth.  The hips are sometimes used to ward off infection.

The petals of the flower are often distilled in water to make rose water.  On the skin rose water is used to tighten the connective tissue.

The hips are sometimes used in cases of gallbladder, kidney and bladder problems.

It has also been used for diarrhea,earache, headache, dizziness, as a blood purifeir, mouthwash, eyewash and as a heart and nerve tonic.

Clinical Studies:

A study investigated if standardised powder made from rose-hip (Rosa canina) can reduce the symptom score in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

In a double-blind placebo-controlled trial, patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) according to ARA/ACR criteria were randomised to treatment with capsulated rose-hip powder 5g daily or matching placebo for 6 months at two outpatient clinics in Berlin and Copenhagen. 

Primary outcome variable was Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) at 6 months, secondary outcome included DAS-28, physician’s global evaluation of disease activity, RAQoL, SF-12 and concomitant pain medication.

In a total of 89 patients HAQ-DI in the rose-hip group improved, whereas in the placebo group worsened. In the HAQ Patient Pain Scale no significant differences were observed between both groups. In the HAQ Patient Global Scale a trend was seen favouring rose-hip.

The DAS-28 score yielded improvement in the rose-hip group and in the placebo group indicating moderate clinical relevance. The Physicians Global Scale demonstrated more improvement in the rose-hip compared to the placebo group.

RAQoL and SF-12 physical score improved significantly in the rose-hip group compared to placebo, whereas SF-12 mental score remained unchanged. Intake of pain medication was not different between the groups. Per-protocol analysis confirmed these results.

The results indicate that patients with RA may benefit from additional treatment with rose hip powder.


Willich SN, Rossnagel K, Roll S, Wagner A, Mune O, Erlendson J, Kharazmi A, Sorensen H, Winther K. “Rose Hip Herbal Remedy In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis- A Randomised Controlled Trial.” 2010 February



Herb Name: Rose

Other names: 

French rose,

Provins rose,


Scientific name: Rosa gallica

Family: Rosaceae

Common part used:  

Petals, fruit (rose hips)

All roses are deciduous scrubs with fragrant flowers ranging from white to deep red in color. It is an astringent, toning and aromatic herb which helps to control bacterial infections and promotes healing.

Medicinal Uses:

  • Internal use 
    • Gallica is used for colds, bronchial infections, diarrhea, depression and lethargy and in Ayurvedic medicine for circulatory congestion and menstrual complaints. 
    • Rugosa is used for stimulating the liver, menstrual complaints, poor appetite and improving circulation.
  • External use 
    • Gallica is used for sore throats, eye irritations, minor injuries and skin problems. 
    • It contains anthocyanocides, which have remarkable anti-elastase properties (prevents the elastin in the skin to degrade) and also have a capillary blood vessels strengthening function. 
    • The sugars contained have important skin hydration action and help to tone the skin. 
    • It furthermore has astringent properties which helps with reducing puffiness, edema and has a slight tightening effect.
  • Aromatherapy and essential oil use 
    • The essential oil is extracted from Rosa damascena and has a very wide range of effects and uses. 
    • Damask rose oil soothes and harmonizes the mind and helps with depression, anger, grief, fear, nervous tension and stress and at the same time addresses sexuality, self-nurturing, self esteem and dealing with emotional problems. 
    • It is most helpful for poor circulation and heart problems, which would include heart palpitations, arrhythmia, as well as high blood pressure and is also used to boost the liver and gall bladder. 
    • For the respiratory system, Damask rose oil assists in cases of asthma, coughs and hay fever, and in the digestive system for liver congestion and nausea. 
    • Rose otto oil has a clearing, cleansing, regulating and purifying effect on the female sex organs and can be used for regulating and balancing hormones, irregular menstruation, functional infertility, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, uterine bleeding and other uterine disorders, while having a general toning effect on the uterus. 
    • On the skin, it is most effective for moisturizing and hydrating the skin while having a general stimulant and antiseptic action which is good for all skin types, but especially so for dry, mature and irritated skin. It is used to repair broken capillaries, inflammation, as well as skin redness and is useful in eczema and herpes. Rose water can be used for conjunctivitis. 
    • The therapeutic properties of damask rose oil are antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, choleretic, cicatrisant, depurative, emmenagogue, haemostatic, hepatic, laxative, nervous system sedative, stomachic and a tonic for the heart, liver, stomach and uterus.