Beneficial for Healing Reactions
- Many uncomfortable symptoms can accompany the body’s attempt to detoxify
- Castor oil packs and clay packs are part of the healing reaction “tool kit” can be used in many situations to alleviate these symptoms
- Clay PULLS- Castor oil smoothes and soothes
- Article on castor oil by Harvey Grady and are great resources for additional information on Castor Oil Packs
History of Castor Oil
- Derived from the castor bean, which dates back to 4,000 years ago
- Found in Egyptian tombs and used in Ancient India, China, Persia, Africa, Greece and Rome
- Used externally by Aztecs to treat skin lesions and hemorrhoids, while Chinese used it to induce childbirth
What is Castor Oil Pack?
- Used by applying castor oil to wool or cotton fabric
- Heat is applied to the pack when in use
- Can be applied without heat if contraindicated
Therapeutic Uses
- Relief of bone/arthritic pain, muscle spasms and inflammation
- Improved elimination from intestines
- Drainage of congestion and acidity
- Loosens mucus from intestines and lungs
- Improved flow of blood and lymph to an area
- Reduced scar tissue and adhesions
- Stimulation of: liver, gall bladder, gastrointestinal tract and lymphatics
Uses at CNV Clinic
- Castor oil packs are very helpful for bone pain form bone metastasis
- Often used over the abdomen for cramping and irritations of GI tract during healing reactions
Do Not Use
Do not use a hot pack for the following:
- Lymphoma
- Hepatitis C
- Directly over tumor (will increase blood flow to the tumor)
- Directly over the liver with tumor
- Directly over the Thyroid gland ‘
- Area that is already hot
(In these instances, try a castor oil pack without the heat, or try a clay pack instead)
Science of Castor Oil
Although research as to the effects and causes of beneficial action by castor oil packs continues, a study conducted in the 1980s by Harvey Grady resulted in the following:
- An apparent increase in the lymphocyte production and the level of activity in T-cell lymphocytes
- Increases in the T-11 cell counts at the significance level of p=01
Preparing Castor Oil Packs
- Flannel or wool cloth
- Castor oil
- Hot water bottle
- Bath towel
- Plastic Sheet
- Easy to clean surface
Clay and the Gerson Therapy
- Clay Packs
- Managing toxic flare ups
- Alleviating pain
- Gastro-intestinal problems
- Diarrhea
- Stomach pains
Types of Clay
- Therapeutic clay belongs to the smectite series called Montmorillonite
- Extremely fine grained and thin layered
- Largest surface area
- Should be virgin and untreated
- Colors range from white to pale green to yellow-brown or red
Internal Use
- Useful for food poisoning and viral gastroenteritis
- Stomach pains and diarrhea
- ¼ tsp of clay with ¼ tsp of potassium gluconate in peppermint tea for diarrhea
- Earliest example of using earth resources to solve medical problems
- The Clay Cure
External Use
- Can be placed over tumor itself
- Not to be placed on open lesion
- Headaches
- Spider/insect bites
- Boils, pimples, warts, skin rashes
Clay Packs
- Hot inflammatory pain in joints
- Reducing tumor inflammation/infection
- Alleviate congestion in the deep organs of liver gall bladder
- When placed over liver, draws out toxicity
- Administered twice a day 2-3 hours until pack is dried