Main Function of the liver
- To receive nutrients from digestion, package and ship them out
- To regulate glucose
- To store nutrients (iron, Vit.B12, Vit. A) as necessary
- To breakdown and eliminate hormones
- To eliminate cholesterol through its conversion to bile salts
- To detoxify blood: liver filters entire blood supply every 3 minutes
The Coffee Enema
- Vital part of detoxification process of the Gerson Therapy. They stimulate the liver to increase the production of bile.
- Not to clear out the intestines, but liquid in the colon stimulates peristalsis
- Juices/Coffee enemas ratio: 3:1
Benefits of Detoxification
- Increased cell energy production
- Improved blood circulation
- Tissue repair
- Cellular regeneration
- Pain relief- reducing edema and toxic pressure on nerve endings and tumors
- Alleviate symptoms (depression, confusion, nervous tension)
- Renal, cardiac or respiratory failure or insufficiency: seek medical advice
- Bleeding and/or ulceration in the colon tract: seek medical advice
- Use caution if there is hypertension, tachycardia
- Severe diarrhea
- Patients with ileostomy
Enemas: Three types
- The coffee enema
- Usually administered to most patients
- On full therapy; 5 times daily
- The chamomile tea enema
- Does not replace coffee enemas
- May be used in weakened patients or when ulceration/bleeding in colon or spasms
- Half strength coffee/chamomile tea when irritation of gut or unable to tolerate full strength coffee enema
- The castor oil treatment
- Much stronger detoxification
- Stimulates release of bile, which conjugates with toxins
- Castor oil binds bile and toxins and gets them out of the system
- Should be taken only under construction
Coffee enema recipe
- 15 rounded tablespoons for 5 coffee enemas
- Bring distilled water to a boil
- Boil coffee for 3 to 5 minutes (uncovered)
- Simmer coffee for 15 minutes on low heat (covered)
- Add concentrate evenly to jars
- Add distilled water to fill jars to the top
- Put on lids once coffee has cooled
Recipe and Preparation
- You will need the correct type of coffee; organic, medium roast, medium ground and with caffeine. If too dark; acrylamides
- Boil 1 qt of distilled or filtered water in a saucepan
- Add 3 rounded tablespoons of coffee into saucepans
- Boil 3 minutes uncovered and then simmer covered for 15”
- Use the strainer (metal mesh or cotton cloth)
- Add water to complete 1 quart
- Let it cool to body temperature
Recipe for concentrated solution
- Place in a saucepan
- 12 rounded tablespoons of coffee
- 1 quart of distilled or RO water
- Boil for 3 minutes uncovered
- Cover, lower heat to minimum and simmer for 15 minutes
- Strain, pour into a 1 qt. jar and add water to make a full quart
- May be stored in the refrigerator for two days
Setting Up
- Wash bucket before first use
- Snip off ending of tubing in order to attach to red rubber tube. You may cut a larger portion if desired
- Eat a small piece of fruit to activate the gastric tract if taken on an empty stomach
- Enema bucket height: no greater than 18 to 24 inches (45-60) cm above the body
Coffee Enema: Administration
- Hang the enema bucket or place it on a flat surface (toilet seat or bathtub)
- If hanged, make sure the bucket is not too high from the ground
- Lie on your right side with your knees bent
- Lubricate tip of catheter
- Place catheter into the rectum, before releasing the flow, 5-8 inches
- Open clamp as coffee will start to flow slowly
- If cramping occurs, lower the bucket or close clamp for 30 seconds. Then raise back to the original level
- If solution doesn’t flow, lift the bucket for 30 seconds or until coffee starts to flow again. Then, lower back to the original level
- You may need to mix the coffee solution to avoid blockage of tube by coffee silt
- Once bucket is empty, hold coffee enema for 15 minutes
- Then release in toilet.
Chamomile Tea Enema
- Place flowers and water in a saucepan
- Boil for 5 minutes and strain
- Use when cooled to body temperature
The Castor Oil Treatment
- If you have had previous chemotherapy- maybe after 6 months (2tbsp. /enema only)
- Extremely weakened liver- hepatitis, liver disease, liver metastases
- Ulcers/ bleeding/ inflammation – anywhere in the gastro intestinal tract
- Severe diarrhea
To make the castor oil enema
- One prepared coffee enema
- 3-4 tablespoon of castor oil
- Bile powder
- 4-4 drops of vegetable (castile) soap
- Use a separate bucket for this enema. No catheter or connector is needed.
- Blend castor oil, ox bile and soap until emulsified
- Pour warm coffee enema into bucket and mix soap into it.
- Administer the enema as you would the regular coffee enema
- Keep stirring while enema solution flows in
Cleaning the Equipment
- After each use, rinse with hot, soapy water, running it through the tube as well. Then, run clean H2O
- Place it upside down, leaving some room for air to flow and dry it out. Or dry out with a clean towel.
- Deep cleaning: run through 1 part H2O2 and 3 parts H20
- Caution: If plastic tube is kept attached to the bucket, it will become loose and slip off
- Do not share your bucket
Castor oil bucket
- Rinse with hot soapy water
- Use paper towel to remove oily residues
Enema bucket kit:
- Gerson Store
- Health and Yoga (stainless steel bucket)
- Gerson Store
- Café mam “Therapy Roast and Therapy Grind”
- Any store as long as it is organic, medium roast, medium ground and caffeinated
Castor Oil
- Health food store as long as its organic
- Recommended brands: Home Health or the Palma Christi
Lubricant (Non petroleum, water based)
- Any health food store or online