Scientific name: Scrophularia nodosa
Common names: Heal-All, Carpenter’s Square, Scrofula Plant, Throatwort, Kernelwort
Ayurvedic names:
Chinese names:
Bangladesh names:
Arabic names: الغدبية (al ghadbiyyah)
Rain Forest names:
Family: Schrophulariaceae
Approximate number of species known:
Common parts used: Whole herb
Annual/Perennial: Perennial
Height: 2 to 4 feet
Actions: Alterative, anodyne, diuretic, depurative, exanthematous, purgative, heart stimulant
Known Constituents: Saponins, cardioactive glycosdies, flavanoids, resin, sugar
Constituents Explained:
Figwort is a perennial plant that grows 2-4 feet high; the knobby rootstock is brown outside, whitish and fibrous inside. The erect, quadrangular, glabrous stem bears opposite, ovate to lanceolate, serrate leaves with an offensive odor
Traditional Use:
Internally and externally it is used on the skin for skin problems. It can have a mild laxative effect. It can have a stimulating the heart into a more rapid heartbeat, which means its best avoided when there is rapid heartbeat present (tachycardia.)
Clinical Studies: