Scientific Names: Bryonia alba

Common names:

Ayurvedic names:

Chinese names: Kua-lou

Bangladesh names:

Arabic names:    البيضاء (al baydaa’e)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Approximate Number of Species Known:

Common Parts Used: Root


Annual/Perennial:   Perennial

Height: 10 to 12 feet

Actions:  Pectoral, purgative, anti-rheumatic

Known Constituents: Glycosides (Curcubitacins named B, D, E, I, J, K, L and tetrahydrocucurbitacin I), fatty acids, tannins, volatile oils

Constituents Explained:

Description:   (please note: this is the general characteristics –  colour, flavor etc)

Traditional Use:

Clinical Studies:


Source material:


Other names: Black-berried White Bryony. European White Bryony 

Scientific name: Bryonia alba

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Common part used: roots 

This plant is distributed throughout the central and southern parts of Europe. Like any other species of the genus Bryonia, the bryony European white is a perennial, climbing herb, its leaves are palmately lobed, the flowers are grouped into clusters and fruits are round and smooth black berries. 

The stem of this plants climbs with the help of long formations from the side of the leaves, and it dies away after the berries are ripe. In summer months it can extand on quite a big area, climbing the trees and bushes. The stems have some branches at the base, they are covered with short hairs, as well as leaves. Both the stems and the leaves  have a rough surface, they are not smooth to the touch. The leaves remind one of the vine plants, they are stalked, lobed into five parts, which are rather equal in size except of the central, the longest one. 

 The flowers are not showy, they are small, white or greenish white and usually grouped in the clusters of three or up to eight. The flowers of these plants are unisexual. 

The roots contain glucoside, which is used to produce medicine with a distinctive physiological effect. 

The berries are not edible, they are small, aprozimately the size of peas when they are ripe, or better compared with black currant. They contain three to six big seeds, which are unpleasant to eat as well. 

The tincture of the bryony European white is used in the homeopathy, it is widely employed as a diuretic and makes a wonderful remedy in gravel and other urinary issues and disorders. It is also helpful if used to relieve coughs, colds, high fevers and bronchitus conditions.