Scientific name: Chionanthus virginicus
Common names: Graybeard, Old Man’s Beard, Poison Ash, Snowflower, Snowdrop Tree, White Fringe
Ayurvedic names:
Chinese names:
Bangladesh names:
Arabic names: زهرة الثلج الفيرجينية (zahratu at-thalj alvirjeeniyah)
Rain Forest names:
Family: Oleaceae
Approximate number of species known:
Common parts used: Bark or the root
Collection: Bloom time may to june
Height: 8 to 25 feet
Actions: Alterative, aperient, cathartic, cholagogue, diuretic, febrifuge, hepatic, laxative, tonic
Known constituents: Lignan glycoside, pyllyrin, saponins
Constituents Explained:
Fringe tree reaches 8-25 feet in height; the leaves are opposite, smooth, and oblong to oval in shape, grow 8 inches long. In May and June, when the leaves are only partially developed, the fragrant, slender-petaled, white flowers, from whose fringe-like petals the tree derives its name, appear in dense, drooping, panicles. The fruit is an oval, purple drupe, resemble small olives
Traditional Use:
The bark is thought of as a ‘blood purifier’ and all round tonic. It has been used for fever and as a cathartic.
Used for liver and gall bladder. When it releases bile it has a gentle laxative effect.
Clinical Studies: