Glycolysis is the matabolic pathway that converts glucose (C6H12o6) into pyruvate (CH3COCOO- (pyruvic acid) and an hydrogen ion H+. Think of the word “lysis”, or “lysing” or “lycing” as being cutting.
The process begins with glucose (C6H12o6). The next step is the six carbons are broken into two three carbon compounds. A phosphate group attachs, this is called phosphoglyceraldehyde, or PGAL.
In the nexk phase called the “pay off phase”, the PGALs are turned into pyruvate, or what’s sometimes called pyruvic acid. FOr every molecule of glucose you start off with you end up with two molecules of pyruvate.
KREB’s cycle
, or “tricarboxylic”” acid cycle.
The kreb’s cycle is sometimes called the “citric acid” cycle. Sir Hans Adolf Krebs who fled Nazi Germany to serve at ambridge / Oxford ? discovered teh citric acid cycle, and the urea cycle. With Hans Kornberg he also discovered the glyoxylate cycle which ia a variation of the ctiric acid cycle found in plants, bacteria and fungi.
The carbon dixodide waste product of the kreb’s cycle is being exhaled by humans through the lungs.
The kreb’s cycle happens inside and around the mitochondria. If you receall mitochondria is often considered the power plant or generator of the cell. The kreb’s cycle take the pyruvate molecules.
When pruvate oxidises or combines with oxygen. One of the carbo leaves the cell with o2 (molecular oxygen) as CO2 (carbon dioxide). The 2 carbon molecule left is called acetyl coenzyme A or aceytal coA
THen NAD combines with H+
NAD+ and FAD are enzymes ? whne comnbined with hydorogen becomes NADH and FADH2