
Scientific name: Ficus carica

Common names: A-tsang, Common fig, Ying-jeh-kuo 

Ayurvedic names: Anjira

Chinese names: Wu hua guo 

Bangladesh names: Dumoor

Arabic names:    التين (at-teen)

Rain Forest names:

Family: Fabaceae

Approximate number of species known:

Common parts used: fruit, leaf


Annual/Perennial: Perennial

Height: 18 to 20 feet

Actions:  demulcent, emollient, nutritive, laxative

Known Constituents: The chief constituent of Figs is dextrose, of which they contain about 50 per cent. 

Constituents Explained:


Traditional Use:

A well known tree for its mild laxative properties.1  The fruit can be eaten, or opened and put onto boils.1   When a fruit is taken from the tree before being fully ripe, a milk excudes which can be put on sores, boils or worts.

The psoralens?  In fig leaf mean that people shouldn’t go into sunlight after its applied.

Clinical Studies:

The effect of a decoction of fig leaves (Ficus carica), as a supplement to breakfast, on diabetes control was studied in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients (six men, four women), age 22-38 years. 

The patients were managed with their usual diabetes diet and their twice-daily insulin injection. During the first month, patients were given a decoction of fig leaves (FC) and during the next month a non-sweet commercial tea (TC).

The patients were divided into two groups with random allocation and cross-over design. A standard breakfast was given at the beginning and end of each month-run. C-peptide, 2 h pre- and post-prandial glycemia, HbA1c, cholesterol, lipid fractions and hematology data, were analyzed during each visit. 

Glycemic profiles (7/day per week) were recorded by patients. Only two patients had intolerance dropout. Post-prandial glycemia was significantly lower during supplementation with FC. Medium average capillary profiles were also lower in the two sub-groups of patients.

Average insulin dose was 12% lower during FC in the total group. The addition of FC to diet in IDDM could be of help to control postprandial glycemia.


Serraclara A, Hawkins F, Perez C, Dominguez E, Campillo JE, Torres MD. “hypoglycemic Action Of An Oral Fig-Leaf Decoction In Type 1 Diabetic Patients.” 1998 January