Scientific name: Fumaria officinalis
Common names: Earth smoke, Hedge fumitory, Scabweed
Ayurvedic names: khsetra parpati, parpata, yavanaparpata
Chinese names:
Bangladesh names:
Arabic names: بقلة الملك (buqlatu’lmalek)
Rain Forest names:
Family: Fumariaceae
Approximate number of species known:
Common parts used: Leaf, flower, stem
Collection: May to September
Annual/Perennial: Annual
Actions: Alterative, cholagogue, diuretic, laxative, stomachic, bitter tonic
Known Constituents: Fumarine and other alkaloids, fumaric acid, bitter principles, resin, mucilage
Constituents Explained:
Fumitory is an annual, slender, climbing plant; the sub-erect, hollow stem is angular, smooth, and bluish or smoky-green colored. The leaves are frail, alternate, gray-green, and bipinnate or tripinnate with small, narrow divisions. The small flowers vary from reddish-purple to yellowish-white, and have a reddish-black spot at the tip, grow in loose racemes from May to September
Traditional Use:
Thought of as a herb to hep skin, particulary acne and eczema. It may achieve its effect by the action it plays on the liver and kidneys.
Sometimes used as an eyewash, parciulary for conjunctivitis.
Clinical Studies:
In 85 patients with cholecystopathies the therapeutic effect of the Fumaria-preparation Oddibil was tested. The therapy was successful alltogether in 70%, in dyskinesias of biliary tract in more than 80%.
The optimal therapeutic result was obtained after 10 days on an average. The difference between the Fumaria nebulisate and a placebo with regard to the efficacy was statistically significant.
The amphocholeretic effect of the praparation is especially to be emphasized. Side-effects didn’t occur.
Zacharewicz M, Chorazy W, Mossor S, Zacharewicz M Jr. “Treatment Of Cholecystopathies By Fumaria Nebulisate.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/377819